The CFM-3 Chlorophyll Fluorescence Module

PP Systems - CIRAS-3 Portable Photosynthesis SystemThe CFM-3 Chlorophyll Fluorescence Module is capable of both independent measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence as well as simultaneous measurement of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence.

The CFM-3 is compact and elegantly designed with all light sources and fluorescence detection capability built directly into the light unit. The CFM-3 can be used as an actinic light source for leaf gas exchange and as a pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorimeter for measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence on both dark and light adapted vegetation.

The CFM-3 is capable of delivering saturating pulses up to 10,000 µmol m-2 s-1 which is extremely useful in accommodating a wider range of ambient light conditions. The CIRAS-3’s Multi-Pulse™ technology produces a sequence of saturating light levels for estimation of apparent Fm‘.

The CFM-3 Chlorophyll Fluorescence Module is an optional accessory designed exclusively for use with the PLC3 Universal Leaf Cuvette.

Measured and Calculated Fluorescence Parameters

Fo, Fm, Fs, Fo', Fm', Fv/Fm, \Phi PSII, J, Fv'/Fm', qP, qNP, NPQ, qL, \Phi NO4, \Phi NPQ-K, \Phi fD and \Phi NPQ-G